Yukon Workers present local labour Issues to the Minister of Labour
Teresa Acheson, President of the Yukon Federation of Labour was joined by labour representatives from across the Yukon at today’s meeting at the Yukon Federation of Labour to address local and regional labour issues with Member of Parliament for Yukon, Brendan Hanley, and the Honourable Seamus O’Regan, Minister of Labour & Seniors. A total of 9 representatives from Yukon unions and workers in healthcare, federal public and private sectors, and indigenous and immigrant labour all had the opportunity to share on current issues faced by Yukon workers.
“The Yukon Federation of Labour is pleased to host this discussion on current and critical issues facing Yukon labour, and present practical insights to the MP and Cabinet Minister to be able to move forward on labour issues that have a significant impact on our territory”, said President Acheson.
“The sustainability of our growing Yukon economy is important for Yukon workers and future jobs in Yukon. All industries are reporting issues of work contracted out, sub-contracted, or filled by temporary labour which has ongoing impacts on workforce resilience and training, as well as local economies and federal funding for the territory. These representatives provided many recommendations to support a Yukon labour force.”
You can read more about the Team that presented on local labour issues and their top priorities in this briefing note.